Vesteda charging plaza
smart driving, electric charging.
Welcome to Vesteda Charging Square
In collaboration with Orange Charging, we have created charging plazas at various locations that are easily accessible to residents and/or local residents.
Vesteda considers sustainable living important. Here, the resident and the happiness of living is central. We do this by both realizing a sustainable housing portfolio but also by contributing to sustainable solutions.
The demand for charging facilities at our parking facilities is increasing significantly, which is why Vesteda provides the parking space and Orange Charging arranges the charging station, maintenance, billing and help with problems with charging!
Frequently asked questions
for Vesteda tenants without a charging station.
Can I request a charging station from Vesteda?
For a single-family home, you can apply for a ZAV approval. Attaching a charging facility to the home is at your own expense.
For an apartment, you cannot request an individual charging station from Vesteda. Step by step, we will provide as many garages as possible with a charging facility when this garage is owned by Vesteda.
I requested a charging station through Vesteda. What is the delivery time of a charging station?
You cannot request a charging station through my Vesteda.
I would like to charge my electric vehicle with the generated energy from my solar panels. Is this possible?
If you have your own parking facility, you can install a charging station upon Vesteda's approval. In that case, you can use the generated energy from the solar panels for this purpose.
I live in an apartment complex and want to apply for a charging station. How do I do this?
As a resident, you cannot request a charging station. However, you can indicate to us that you would like a charging station in your apartment complex. These requests will be registered and included in the decision-making process for the further rollout of charging stations.
What power meter and connection do I need for a charging station at my single-family home?
If you want to charge at home, it depends on the capacity of your group box. Preferably you charge 11kw. For this you need a 3 phase mains connection.
Can we install our own charging station?
You cannot install your own charging station in an apartment complex. There is limited electrical capacity in the garage. By creating a charging plaza, this capacity can be divided among all tenants and everyone has the opportunity to charge their car.
At a single-family home, it is possible to place a charging station. For this you have to request permission through a Self-Assembly Facility (ZAV) via the 'contact' block in 'My Vesteda.
Frequently asked questions
for Vesteda tenants with a charging station
I requested a charging station through Vesteda. What is the delivery time of a charging station?
You cannot request a charging station through my Vesteda.
I would like to charge my electric vehicle with the generated energy from my solar panels. Is this possible?
If you have your own parking facility, you can install a charging station upon Vesteda's approval. In that case, you can use the generated energy from the solar panels for this purpose.
Vesteda has installed charging stations in the indoor parking garage. Is this safe?
Fire safety is always checked prior to installing charging stations. We only place charging poles when the building meets fire safety requirements. The charging facility is placed as close as possible to the exit and a switch is installed that allows all charging points to be de-energized at once.
Who is responsible for fire safety when charging and parking electric vehicles in parking garages?
This is a shared responsibility. As a user, you are responsible for a proper charging cable and a properly maintained car. Vesteda will work with the provider to ensure that the charging point is safe.
What means of transportation can I charge via the charging station?
All means of transport that are charged with a Type 2 plug.
Neighbor's car fully loaded? What can I do?
At this time, there are no options. If the problem persists, please report it through "My Vesteda. Vesteda may be able to take further steps to ensure efficient use of the charging spot.
What are the costs for charging my electric vehicle at home?
The public charging rate for electric cars depends on the charging station provider and the charging card you use. There is no fixed rate for all public charging stations in the Netherlands. You can find the rate via the charging card provider's app.
How sustainable is it to charge my vehicle at the charging station?
Vesteda purchases only green European wind energy. That is why charging via a charging station is a sustainable choice.
My vehicle is charging very slowly. What can I do about this?
When there are many vehicles charging, the capacity may need to be distributed among the cars, making charging slower than you are used to.
Can I use an extension cord if my charging cable is too short?
No, always use a certified charging cable.
What type of charging station does Vesteda use?
That varies by location. The charging stations are suitable for all cars.
Is the electricity free due to the presence of solar panels?
No, you always pay for the kWh consumed.