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I want to pay my rent
Rent payments
I want my deposit refunded. What should I do?
When, after termination of the tenancy agreement, the rented property has been vacated and handed over in a proper condition, we will repay the deposit within 14 days of handing over the rented property, unless there is a payment arrears and/or recovery damage. The lessor may then deduct the late payment and/or cost of repair from the security deposit. The remainder of the security deposit will be refunded to you within 30 days of delivery of the rented property.
If there is a settlement of the deposit, you will receive an itemised statement.
During the term of your tenancy agreement, the deposit or bank guarantee cannot be released.
Is there a provision in your tenancy agreement regarding the interim release of the deposit? If so, go to My Vesteda and submit your request.
Rent arrears
I cannot pay my rent (any more). What am I supposed to do?
Do you foresee problems paying your rent? If so, please inform us of this as quickly as possible. You can reach us via our client portal ‘Mijn Vesteda’ or by email at collections@vesteda.com. We can then take a look at your options together:
- In the case of temporary payment problems, we can often reach a payment arrangement.
- In case of more structural payment problems, we can help you to find a home that is better suited to your current financial situation.
- If a conversation does not lead to a solution and your payment arrears are more than 30 days, we must report your payment arrears to your municipality from 1 January 2021. The municipality will then invite you for a discussion about debt counseling.
Debt counseling
From 1 January 2021, the "Wijziging van de Wet gemeentelijke schuldhulpverlening" will come into effect. This amendment is intended to prevent a starting debt or rent arrears from growing into a problematic debt. In concrete terms, this amendment means that we - in case of rent arrears of more than 30 days - must transfer your contact details and the amount of the rent arrears to the municipality. The municipality will invite you for an interview. This will temporarily stop our collection procedure. Of course your data will not be transferred just like that. The following steps were taken beforehand:
- personal contact has been sought with you about the options for ending and preventing payment arrears;
- you have been made aware of the possibilities for debt counseling;
- you have received at least one written reminder;
- you have offered to submit your contact details and rent arrears to your municipality and you have not responded against this.
If you object to informing the municipality, the early identification process will stop and the normal collection procedure will continue.
More information (in Dutch)?
Vroegsignalering (Projectbureau)
Vragen en antwoorden wijziging wet Gemeentelijke Schuldhulpverlening (Rijksoverheid)
Vragen en antwoorden wijziging wet Gemeentelijke Schuldhulpverlening (VNG)
What happens if I fail to pay my rent?
Your rental contract includes a date on which you are supposed to pay your rent or when it is collected. This is usually the first day of the month. If you are unable to pay at this time, you are immediately in arrears. We then send you a payment reminder by mail or by e-mail, stating the amount due and the deadline for the payment of this amount.
What happens if I am more than one month in arrears?
If you are one or two months in arrears, we contact you by phone to enquire about the reason for your rent arrears. During this discussion, we reach an agreement with you on the payment of the rent arrears. It is also often possible to reach a payment arrangement. In addition, Vesteda can at your request help you find a home that is better suited to your current financial situation.
What happens if I am more than two months in arrears?
From two months in arrears, Vesteda assigns a collection agency to collect your rent. This also applies if you:
- fail to respond to payment reminders,
- refuse to reach a payment arrangement, or
- fail to abide by any agreements reached.
From that moment, the collection costs are for your account.
What happens if you call in a collection agency?
A collection agency gives you another opportunity to pay your rent arrears, plus additional costs. In the case of rent arrears of three months or more, the collection agency will file a request with a court for the dissolution of the rental contract and the payment of the rent arrears, plus additional costs. The court generally grants a request for the dissolution of the rental contract. The next step is eviction.
Rent increase
Questions and answers about the rent increase
When do I have a regulated or liberalized rental contract?
The commencement date of the rental contract and the associated (bare/basic) rent determines whether a residence is regulated or liberalised. You can find this information in your rental contract. In case of a regulated rental contract, maximum rental prices have been set by the government. There is also a maximum annual rent increase.
If, at the start of the rental agreement, the rent was lower than the liberalisation threshold, the property is in the regulated sector. For more information and requirements, please visit www.rijksoverheid.nl.
You have a rental home in the free sector or a liberalised rental contract if the initial rental price of the home was higher than the liberalisation threshold.
As of January 1, 2024, the liberalization threshold was increased to € 879.66 per month.
What should be included in a notice of rent increase?
In the case of a regulated rental contract, we must send you a rent increase proposal at least two months before the effective date of the rent increase. You should therefore have received this proposal no later than 30 April if the rent increase takes effect on 1 July.
The letter of the rent increase should contain the following subjects:
- commencement date of the rent increase
- Current and new basic rent
- percentage or amount by which the rent is to be increased
- whether an income-dependent rent increase applies (including an income indication from the Tax and Customs Administration)
- how you can lodge an objection.
Other conditions for rent increase:
- the rent may not exceed the maximum rent according to the point system as a result of the rent increase
- the rent may not be increased if the Rent Commission has temporarily reduced the rent due to maintenance defects
- the rent may not be increased if prior to the commencement date of the rent increase a request for a rent reduction has been submitted to the Rent Commission on the grounds of maintenance defects.
In the case of a deregulated lease, there are no requirements for a possible rent increase letter.
Does Vesteda have an income-dependent rent increases this year?
This year there is no income-dependent rent increase. This means that we do not request income data from the tax authorities.
How does Vesteda determine how many people make up a household?
To determine the size of the household, we look at your current address. To do this, we ask the local council for the number of residents registered at this address on 1 July (date of the annual rent increase).
When and where can I object to rent increases (regulated contract)?
We obviously abide by the legal and contractual rules when raising the rent. Therefore, you cannot always object to a rent increase. You cannot object to a rent increase of 5.8% or lower, as this falls within the legal regulations. Should you wish to object on other grounds, please submit your objection to us by June 30, 2024. Defective maintenance is not a valid ground for objection. You can report this through My Vesteda. Your objection must meet some formal requirements. More information can be found at www.huurcommissie.nl.
Why do I get a different rent increase than my neighbours?
A difference in rent between comparable dwellings can arise due to a difference in the effective date of the rental contract or the type of rental contract (regulated or liberalised).
The annual rent increase is mainly determined by the market rent. The market rent is determined on the basis of:
- Market analysis based on market developments
- Competitive analysis based on comparable houses/complexes
- Age, mutation rate and vacancy of residences (in the complex)
- Maintenance, finishing and location of residences
- Affordability
The margin between the contract rent and the market rent determines the extent to which the rent can be increased. Within this space, we obviously adhere to the legal and contractual agreements.
What happens if I don’t pay the increased rent?
If you do not pay your increased rent amount in full and you have not submitted a notice of objection to Vesteda, we will send you a reminder.
Reminder letter
A reminder will be sent by registered letter, asking you to agree to the rent increase. You will receive a reminder within three months of the rent increase.
Once you have received the reminder letter, you must send a request for a decision to the Rental Committee within four months of the start date of the rent increase (i.e. by 1 November if the rent increase starts on 1 July). If you fail to do this, you are still required to pay the rent increase.