Register for free and schedule a viewing
How to register for free
You can easily register for a Vesteda rental home online in just a few steps.
- Search the website for your ideal home. View the homes on offer.
- Select the home(s) you prefer and register for free by clicking the ‘register’ button.
- Create your free account on the Rent from Vesteda website and fill in your housing requirements and personal details.
- Fill in your file as completely as possible.
- Have you viewed a property and do you want to rent? Indicate this in your account and go through the steps.
Note: Are you going to view a property with a tenant? Never pay key money to the tenant. You are also not obliged to take over belongings. You can agree on takeover amounts in consultation. This will not affect the allocation of the property.
Frequently asked questions and answers
about registering for a rental property
How do I register for a Vesteda rental home?
You can easily register for a Vesteda rental home online. Find the property that suits you and follow the steps you see when you click on 'register'.
Important to know before you register: Vesteda has income requirements. You will find these on the page of the property you are looking at. If you do not meet the income requirements, unfortunately you will not qualify for the home. You will then automatically receive a rejection by e-mail.
Read more about our income requirements
- Search the website for your ideal home. Use the search bar and search filters. View the specific property information, such as photos, floor plan, specific features, rental price and income requirements.
- Select your preferred home(s) and register for free by clicking the ‘register’ button. You can also choose the save option and continue your search.
- Create your free account on the Rent from Vesteda website and fill in your housing requirements and personal details. In a secure environment, fill in more of your details, change your preferences and request your viewing.
- Fill in your details as completely as possible. We select the most suitable candidate from all the applications we receive for a property. You will automatically be notified whether your application has been approved and whether or not you can view the property.
- Have you viewed the property and would you like to rent it? Indicate this in your account and follow the steps.
Everything filled in? We check your complete file on the basis of our rental conditions and income requirements. If everything is OK, you will receive a final offer with a request to confirm this.
We will then make an appointment for the handover of the home and the key, and you will receive the rental contract and your first invoice.
How can I view a property?
If you want to take a look at one of our properties, register for free via our website. We select the most suitable candidate from all the applications we receive for a property. Tip: When registering, fill in your property file as completely as possible.
Would you like to be kept informed about Vesteda’s offering of homes? Register for free and create an account. This will allow us to keep you informed about the latest homes on offer, for instance by e-mail.
Why do I have to verify my identity through iDIN?
iDIN is a service provided by Dutch banks that allows you to confirm your identity securely and easily online. When submitting an option application, Vesteda asks for online identification from you (and your co-tenant, if any). When we use iDIN, we only request the following data from your bank: name, address and date of birth. Read more about iDIN here.
I have requested a viewing but I haven't heard anything. How come?
We need a maximum of 10 working days to process your viewing request. You will receive a reply from us within these 10 working days.
Are there any waiting lists?
All the properties listed on our website are available, so there are no waiting lists. However, this does not mean that you automatically qualify for the property. We select the most suitable candidate from all the applications we receive for a property. Tip: when registering, please fill in your details as completely as possible. This will help us better assess your application.
Would you like to be kept up to date about Vesteda’s offering of homes?
I want to activate my hurenbij.vesteda.com account but have not received an e-mail.
Are you a home seeker but have not yet received an activation e-mail?
That’s annoying. We would like to give you a number of tips!
- Sometimes an e-mail may arrive later than usual due to a delay at your e-mail provider. So check back later.
- Check the ‘spam’ or ‘unwanted items’ folders of your e-mail account. You may find the activation e-mail there.
- Still nothing? Register again and check the spelling of your e-mail address.
Are you a tenant and do you want to log in? You can do this through our client portal Mijn Vesteda.
How to request a viewing
You can register (free of charge) for a property via our website. We select the most suitable candidate from all the applications we receive for a property.
We invite this candidate for a viewing. You have a better chance of getting a viewing if you fill in your file as completely as possible.
Note: Are you going to view a property with a tenant? Never pay key money to the tenant. You are also not obliged to take over belongings. You can agree on takeover amounts in consultation. This will not affect the allocation of the property.
Frequently asked questions and answers
about viewing a property
How do I request a viewing?
If you would like to view a property, register for free via our website. We select the most suitable candidate from all the applications we receive for a property. Tip: when registering, fill in your property file as completely as possible. You will automatically be notified whether your registration has been approved and whether or not you can view the property.
I am going to view a property. Which documents do I need to submit?
Are you registered with us and have you been informed that you can view a property? If so, we will ask you to provide us with a number of documents. We use these to verify your income and identity. The rental conditions tell you exactly which documents you need to provide.
Read the rental conditions in full. That way, you will be well prepared to view and perhaps even rent a property.
How does Vesteda allocate homes to candidates?
Whether you can view or rent a property depends, among other things, on these four checks:
- Do you meet the income requirements? (Information about these is available under income requirements).
- Can you rent immediately the moment the property is available?
- Have you filled in all your details and attached the right documents?
- Does the composition of your household fit the property?
If there are several prospective tenants who answer yes to these questions, we will look at the date you requested the viewing. Good to know: Vesteda does not have waiting lists.
Please note: If you offer money or otherwise put pressure on our staff to qualify for housing we will no longer process your application.
I have requested a viewing but I haven't heard anything. How come?
We need a maximum of 10 working days to process your viewing request. You will receive a reply from us within these 10 working days.
Am I obliged to take over the tenant's belongings?
Are you going to view a property with a tenant? Never pay key money to the tenant. You are also not obliged to take over belongings. You can agree on takeover amounts. This does not affect the allocation of the property.
Why can't I nominate a new tenant when terminating my lease?
Vesteda offers all vacant rental properties through its website. As a result, it is not possible for a departing tenant to propose a candidate tenant for the vacant property himself. This policy change (since 2022) has two reasons: to increase the public housing supply and to prevent requests for key money by departing tenants. Only in the high-rent segment (bare rent from €1,400 per month) is it possible to propose a new tenant yourself. In this rental segment, there is much more supply and therefore requests for key money hardly ever occur.
More public supply of rental properties
A primary reason for stopping the tenant proposal is that all vacant properties now appear ‘on the market’. This gives everyone an equal chance of being able to rent a property. Indeed, a few years ago, almost 25% of our vacant properties were rented via-via, which meant that these properties were never offered on the website. As a result, a prospective tenant who does not know anyone with a vacant rental property is much more likely to miss out. Vesteda believes that in a tight housing market, it is fairer to publicly offer all available homes to everyone.
Acquisition fee is increasingly key money in disguise
A second reason for discontinuing tenant recommendation is that complaints from prospective tenants were becoming more frequent. After analysing incoming complaints, it was found that requested takeover fees were not always commensurate with the value of the items. For example, one departing tenant asked a takeover fee of 11,000 euros for a laminate floor and some second-hand furniture via social media. Of course, a prospective tenant can always refuse to take over such items. But the departing tenant increasingly made paying a generous takeover sum a condition for being proposed to us as a prospective tenant. In such cases, this is a disguised and dubious way of asking for key money. We emphatically distance ourselves from this practice and for this reason, too, we will stop being able to propose candidate tenants.